1891 census records

Records at 'Heol y Bwlla Toll Gate'

Name Age Position Status House
1 Heol y Bwlla Toll Gate
Jenkins, Ada M 17 years Daughter Single 1 Heol y Bwlla Toll Gate
Jenkins, Joseph 65 years Head Married 1 Heol y Bwlla Toll Gate
Jenkins, Maria 18 years Daughter Single 1 Heol y Bwlla Toll Gate
Jenkins, Rachel 23 years Daughter Single 1 Heol y Bwlla Toll Gate
Jenkins, Rebecca 21 years Daughter Single 1 Heol y Bwlla Toll Gate
Jenkins, Sarah 60 years Wife Married 1 Heol y Bwlla Toll Gate
Jenkins, Sarah 15 years Daughter Single 1 Heol y Bwlla Toll Gate
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