1881 census records

Records with birth place 'Llanover'

Name Age Position Status House
Mc Ann, James 19 years Stepson Unmarried 8 Upper Rank
Mc Ann, John 22 years Stepson Unmarried 8 Upper Rank
Stinchcombe, Jane Ann 19 years Daughter Unmarried 1 Square
Stinchcombe, Wm. 21 years Son Unmarried 1 Square
Tuck, Charles 15 years Nephew Unmarried 17 Long Rank
Tuck, Sarah Eliz. 11 years Niece 17 Long Rank
Weaver, George 21 years Boarder Unmarried 1 Square
Weaver, R.E. 20 years Boarder Unmarried 1 Square
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